A Roe V. Wade Red Herring

With the Scotus leak and the subsequent ruling to strike down Roe V. Wade, I’ve seen many Christians and pro-lifers advise that we need to be ready to take in all these babies who are going to be born. Likewise, now, I'm seeing the angry pro-choicers instruct pro-lifers to be ready to take their kids. They also point out that there are 400,000+ children in foster care in the U.S., and of the over 400,000 children, 114,556 cannot be returned to their families and are waiting to be adopted.  “If you’re happy about today’s decision (pro-life, Christian, Republican, etc.), please reach out to CPS to foster a child.” they wag their fingers as if the foster care situation is the fault of the pro-life movement. And, because of our position, we need to carry the burden of their carelessness and recklessness by default.

Sure, Christians should be involved, and I would strongly argue that Christians are already doing these things and are the chief component of those fostering and adopting already- far greater than our secular counter-parts. Christians don't magically have a new burden, because we've already taken up the burden, and now with it being heavier, we will need greater reinvestments in expanding the efforts wider to incorporate the new arrivals. But, let us not be deceived here; the culture of death may not be able to kill their babies as easily, but they are still willing to abandon them. The abortionists would be quick to lay guilt and shame on the pro-lifer and say this is your mess; now clean it up. Well, NO! We will not argue or conduct ourselves on your terms, and we will not enable your bad behavior or entertain your poor and false arguments.

In short, we (pro-life Christians) may not be perpetuating this mess, but make no mistake, we will happily take your kids and raise them to be soldiers of Christ advancing His kingdom until He comes again to glorify everything.