Truth Supressors

In Romans 1:18, the apostle Paul speaks of those who, by their wickedness and sinfulness, “suppress the truth.” Here we see that truth can be held down and stifled. Yet, what they in their time and folks in our time fail to recognize is that truth cannot be manipulated or changed- not really.

The pride community knows in their heart of hearts they can’t alter the truth, so they instead change themselves, both their physical appearance and their desires; they even go so far as to manipulate God’s word to justify their positions. They’re turning from God’s created order (Genesis 1:27) and against God himself to move from light to darkness and self-imposed blindness.

The truth, as it will continue to unfold in the latter verses, is that God has revealed to all humans something of his eternal power and nature. Yet, a chief problem in our time is that people refuse to believe. Indeed, they love their superior gods more, and thus, “24 God [gives] them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.”

Verse 24 is a judgment that is both eschatological and at the same time a present reality. We would do well not to celebrate nor support that which God detests and places judgment on.

You might think me insensitive here, but it isn't me you have to engage with; it's with God whom you must contend with. I earnestly pray for the contending, humbling, and repenting.

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,” Romans 1:18

The month of June is read Romans 1 everyday of the month, month.