1 Samuel

God Reads Hearts While Man Reads Appearances

1 Samuel 16:7 KJV

"But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart."

The Lord alone can observe and rightfully judge a person's "Heart," that is, one's thoughts, emotions, and intents. On God's eternal scales, these matters outweigh all other aspects of a human's life. Yet, God's scales not only befuddle Samuel, but it is also perplexing to us now. We also see Jesse, David's father, passing poor judgment on David's value (David was the youngest and smallest in the family) and failing to parade David before Samuel. The smallness of stature does not indicate the grandness of the heart, to which only God can proclaim, "Anoint him; he is the one." David was a foreshadowing of the one true King, our Lord who bore the stature of a mere man, yet is entirely God the Son (the second person in the Trinity). The Pharisees only saw Jesus the man, a threat, and failed to see the Messiah, the lawgiver, the anointed one whose heart was found acceptable to God the Father. This understanding ought to affect how we pray daily; Lord, that we would not only appear to be clean but that you would cleanse our most inner being and transform us to have hearts like Christ.